Because each customer is unique, we offer you a customised Supply-Chain strategy based on the command of key skills: customer relations, planning, scheduling, supply, flow management and customer service.

At the Electronics activity of LACROIX, logistics management activities are coordinated in a cross-functional manner, with teams available at each production site and organised by customer, close to the field. Our company favours local communication and fast decision-making processes. Experts in electronic-component procurement, exporting, and customs procedures, we can meet your most complex needs.

The 4 pillars of our Supply-Chain strategy

Faced with the issues related to Smart Industry, we have chosen to prioritise anticipation, flexibility, responsiveness and flow optimisation in order to guarantee a comprehensive Supply-Chain strategy.

Anticipate and reduce the risks of material supply

Every month, we run an Industrial and Commercial Programme using an ERP system common to all our plants: SAP. We anticipate our production and adjust the flow of materials and our production capacity. Drawing on Lean management and privileged relationships with our suppliers, supply and production cycle times are reduced.

Our scope is diverse:

  • monitoring of component supply times and obsolescence
  • risk analysis tailored to your project
  • crisis unit dedicated to searching for critical components
  • zero tolerance on counterfeits

Guaranteeing a high degree of flexibility

The current economic situation sometimes offers little visibility in your markets. This is why we guarantee you a high degree of flexibility, which is reflected in:

  • a Material Requirement Planning (MRP) strategy: make-to-order production, make-to-stock production, late differentiation
  • guaranteed “just-in-time” full supply
  • management of bottlenecks and subcontractors
  • advanced load management solutions that take into account operators’ skills
  • a stock of finished products and/or raw materials according to different formulas: Vendor-Managed Inventory, Customer-Managed Inventory
  • use of Kanban at all levels of the supply chain

Being responsive

The Time-to-Market strategy requires a high degree of responsiveness. It requires rapid responses on delivery dates, taking into account the availability of raw materials and production capacity. For this, we use standard tools:

  • an integrated ERP, to check immediately the possibilities of compensating for any lack of capacity or material between our different production sites
  • an ERP connected to the availability of the component market, to order critical components instantly
  • EDI and Web EDI
  • a customer portal
  • Analytics tools to collect and analyse Supply-Chain databases

Optimising flow management

Our activity is strongly affected by the risk on stocks of electronic components, in surplus and/or obsolete. Consequently, in order to meet financial and environmental challenges, we have implemented the following actions over the past several years:

  • customised solutions covering labelling, packaging, product customisation, transport control
  • a high-tech warehouse-management system: scanning of component receipts, X-ray counting of components, use of cobots to relieve the strenuousness of certain tasks
  • Automated Guided Vehicles
  • complete traceability using advanced technologies, from raw materials to finished products, Track & Trace of shipments
  • international logistics platforms, expertise in tax representation
  • specific storage conditions for components: level of sensitivity to humidity, secure storage areas, RoHS compliance